sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015

glass of wine can equate to an hour of exercise

“I think resveratrol could help patient populations who want to exercise but are physically incapable. Resveratrol could mimic exercise for them or improve the benefits of the modest amount of exercise that they can do.” 
This article continues but .... let us not worry about it now.

Comer e beber

Um cominho de branco
fresquíssimo e à pressão
Chego a casa completamente tonto
Pergunto-me o que se passou

Passou o dia e só agora me lembro que,
além de beber, tenho também de comer.

Why wine

Without concern for the outside
and yet wonderfully worried,
I drink a cup or two

I wait for you 
my drinking companion
but not
not today 
am maybe never

Where are you?
were you ever you
where is the problem
where is the solution
where are we?
where is everybody
is anybody anywhere?

From time immemorial
this jewel has saved crowns
and drowned empires,
has started love affairs 
and caused war with good friends

I has been the cause of salvation
and we have used it for destruction
it has been purifying
and the bases of irremovable stains

come and stay here
let us open this one and pour down 
one glass
and talk over what pains us
for wine cleanses our sins
and makes us say good things to each other

I miss someone I have never met
or have I?
and glass after glass
search for this love I know
to be immense
I wake up every dawn in complete sadness
yet hopeful to have one more day to look for it

I walk and look
I drink and wish
I hide and open myself
I sing out of tone
and move in sinful desires
forgiven evermore
and every time
for wishing that what is not
to be wished

I feel the bottle
I hear the sound
I serve my friends
they pour me one glass
we salute
and I drink in total sadness and with a big smile
and love everyone

Wine makes me feel
the need to need
the need to give
the need to forget and
ask for forgiveness

it reminds me that it is true
that my love for all is true
that hate makes me nauseous
so sure

isn't the honesty of wine
and liberating?

it frees my sadness into an ocean of loneliness
where I can safely search for love
for aren't we ordered to love one another

my spirit makes me a road
wide or sometimes narrow
exquisite with wonderful obstacles
and with a glass
I seat and laugh at them
What a life!

drink with me
and love like me
love all and each
embrace me when you are drunk
and stay one more while

Do you smell this one?
Cover it with your mouth
and let yourself be taken into
the lands, the works, and the beauties of the lands it came
can you feel the toughness of this one's soil?
My Lord, isn't all this always a constant surprise

Let us drink one last glass
before dawn comes
and the sun dries off
what is left


sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2015

O Vinho...verde ou não

 "....Mas então ao menos um copo de vinho verde."

"O escudeiro vergava, com a luzente bandeja de prata, carregada de copos de sangria onde boiavam rodelinhas de limão. E todos se tentaram, todos beberam, até Padre Soeiro, para mostrar ao Sr. Antônio Vilalobos que não desdenhava o vinho, dádiva amável de Deus - pois como ensina Tibulo com verdade, apesar de gentílico, vinus facit dites animos, mollia corda dat, enrija a alma e adoça o coração."

"Mas Barrolo bateu uma palmada na coxa. Que pena! que pena não terem Oliveira, "para o brinde de reconciliação", um famoso vinho do Porto, da garrafeira da mamã, preciosíssimo, velhíssimo, do tempo de D. João II...
- D. João II? - rosnou Gonçalo. - Está estragado!
Barrolo hesitou:
- D. João II ou D. João VI... Um desses Reis. Enfim, um vinho único, do século passado! Só restam à mamã oito ou dez garrafas... E hoje, era dia para uma, bem?"

Um momento

Um momento de solidão
nem comigo estive
numa tasca com frango assado
um jarrinho de branco e
A Ilustre Casa de Ramíres
Nada mudou